Moms – Keep breastfeeding in an emergency.  Breastfeeding releases hormones that keep you and your baby calm.  Breastmilk is the best nutrition for your baby.  Plus there may be no clean water, bottles, or formulas available.  If your supply seems lower, breastfeed more often to boost supply. It is possible to relactate if you have previously breastfed.

Relief workers and shelter volunteers – Encourage and support breastfeeding mothers.  Crying babies get on everyone’s nerves.  Breastfeeding helps calm moms and babies. It is the best food for babies and requires no clean water, formula, bottles, or cleaning/sterilizing equipment.

Below are a variety of resources on breastfeeding and emergencies:

International Lactation Consultant Association: “Emergency Preparedness Checklist for Breastfeeding Mothers”

“Facts About Breastfeeding in an Emergency – Especially for Relief Workers”

“Facts About Breastfeeding in an Emergency – Especially for Health Workers”

“Position on Infant Feeding in Emergencies”

Kellymom: “Infant Feeding in Emergencies”

La Leche League International Website: “Resources for Breastfeeding During Emergencies”

United States Breastfeeding Committee: “Breastfeeding and Emergencies”

Breastfeeding USA: “Disaster Preparedness: Breastfeeding Matters During an Emergency”