By Laurie Coker

We are the Wonder Women!

Our kind is on the rise!

Our babies praise our power

To help them immunize.

We give them strength and confidence

To last their whole life through.

Making Earth a healthier place

For moms and babies who

Breastfeed for just one year or more

To fight disease and shame.

Be proud to nurse in public and adamantly proclaim:

We are the Wonder Women

Empowered by our milk!

Our babies’ cheeks are rosy,

Their skin as smooth as silk.

They get sick less often;

Their needs are always met.

Our babies’ IQs are higher.

Their futures brighter, yet….

Some try to criticize us

For doing what is best.

We must educate them:

A most challenging test.

Stand proud, Wonder Women!

The law is on our side!

Breastfeed wherever you need to

On continents far and wide.

Do not deprive your children

Of the Power In your breast.

We are the Wonder Women

And Breastmilk is The Best!